Priority 1

Priority            To further develop a sequential and co-ordinated          

                    Physical Education Program throughout the school.         

Description         At Donvale Primary School classroom teachers are          

                    responsible for the teaching of Physical Education.  The  

                    program is co-ordinated at grade levels, but needs to be  

                    developed sequentially throughout the school.             

Intended Outcome    To enhance children's attitudes to, and participation     

                    in, physical activity throughout the school.              

                    To improve general fitness and skill levels of students   

                    Prep to 6.                                                

     Strategy             1995/96              1997                1998         

Policy and Program  review number of    continue to ensure  present completed   

Development         hours of PE and     PE policy is        program to school   

                    Sport allocation    consistent with     community           

                    at each level       CSF and DSE         complete review of  

                    review and adjust   guidelines          program and         

                    PE policy to        review and develop  objectives          

                    ensure it is        draft program                           

                    consistent with     review objectives                       

                    CSF and DSE         for each level                          

                    guidelines          students have                           

                    develop and         access to a                             

                    implement a         comprehensive and                       

                    framework for a     sequential PE and                       

                    sequential PE and   Sport program                           

                    Sport program                                               


                    objectives for                                              

                    each level                                                  

Professional        provide             continue            continue            

Development         information and     professional        professional        

                    resources for       development plan    development plan    

                    staff inservicing   continue to         continue to         

                    Physical and Sport  allocate            allocate            

                    Education (PASE)    professional        professional        

                    allocate            development time    development time    

                    professional        to address whole    to address whole    

                    development time    or individual       or individual       

                    to address whole    staff needs         staff needs         

                    or individual       continue to         continue to         

                    staff needs         utilise the         utilise the         

                    utilise the         resources of the    resources of the    

                    resources of the    local sporting      local sporting      

                    local sporting      community for       community for       

                    community for       professional        professional        

                    professional        development.        development         

                    development                             survey staff and    

                                                            review staff        


Parent and          increase and        extend parent       further develop     

Community           encourage parent    participation in    and evaluate        

Involvement         participation in    school programs     parent              

                    school programs     continue to raise   participation in    

                    inform parents of   the profile         school program      

                    PE and Sport        continue community  continue to raise   

                    programs and        links to utilise    the profile         

                    professional        coaching expertise  continue community  

                    development                             links to utilise    

                    available through                       coaching expertise  

                    newsletter, sport                                           

                    days, information                                           




                    encourage parent                                            

                    and community                                               

                    reponse to utilise                                          

                    coaching expertise                                          

     Strategy             1995/96              1997                1998         

Resources           review current      continue to review  continue to         

                    equipment and       PE and Sport        purchase materials  

                    resources to        budget including    consistent with     

                    determine whole     equipment needs     resource schedule   

                    school needs        for lunchtime       and professional    

                    allocate            activities          development         

                    sufficient funds    further purchase    plan and develop    

                    to implement        of materials        new resource        

                    program             consistent with     schedule for next   

                    develop purchasing  resource schedule   3 years             

                    schedule            and professional    review storage      

                    plan and implement  development         system              

                    workable storage    continue            review              

                    system for PE and   development of      effectiveness of    

                    Sport equipment     storage systems     resource program    

Monitoring Student  record children's   test fitness and    review and          

Progress            current fitness     skill and compare   evaluate the        

                    and skill levels    with 1996           assessment and      

                    establish regular   refine assessment   reporting program   

                    skill and fitness   and reporting       test and compare    

                    testing             policy              fitness and skill   

                    review assessment   maintain and        levels over 3½      

                    and reporting       develop regular     year period         

                    policy for PE and   skills and firness  maintain and        

                    Sport consistent    testing             review regular      

                    with CSF and DSE                        skill and fitness   

                    guidelines                              testing             

                    co-ordinate and                                             

                    develop an                                                  

                    assessment and                                              

                    reporting policy                                            

Outcome Measures    baseline data       students have       improved student    

                    established of      access to a         outcomes in         

                    student             broader PE and      fitness and skills  

                    participation in    Sport curriculum    improved attitude   

                    PE and Sport        Increased student   and participation   

                    program             fitness and skill   in PE and Sport     

                    baseline data       development                             

                    established of      increased                               

                    student skill and   participation in                        

                    fitness levels      PE and Sport                            


Priority 2

Priority            To expand the comprehensive and co-ordinated              

                    Science/Technology program throughout the school.         

Description         Science/Technology is presently taught, but is not        

                    clearly defined.  Our school needs to develop a           

                    sequential program suitable for P-6 in line with the CSF  


Intended Outcome    To improve student learning outcomes and participation    

                    in science and technology through the provision of a      

                    whole school program.                                     

     STRATEGY             1995/96              1997                1998         

Policy and Program  review and          implement and       review and refine   

Development         evaluation of       review the whole    program             

                    current program     school                                  

                    develop and         Science/Technology                      

                    implement a whole   program                                 

                    school approach to                                          


Professional        investigate and operate internally     evaluate inservce   

Development         and externally organised in-service    activity and        

                    programs, incorporating Australian     reassess needs      

                    Academy of Science material (Primary                       

                    Investigations), involving all staff                       

                    and Science and Technology in Primary                      

                    Schools Program "Steps"                                    

Parent and          encourage parents   develop a register  continue with the   

Community           to familiarise      of parent and       provision of        

Involvement.        themselves with     community           information in      

                    the programs by     expertise           relation to the     

                    observing and       involving parents   science program to  

                    helping at school   according to their  parents             

                    when appropriate.   skills                                  


                    family nights                                               

Resourcing          ensure that both    preparing a         extension and       

                    programs are        resource            evaluation of the   

                    funded for their    acquisition plan    use of allocated    

                    development and     for the years       resources, amend    

                    maintained by       1997-98             as required         

                    Program Budget                                              


                    collect, organise                                           

                    and arrange                                                 

                    storage for                                                 

                    science and                                                 



Monitoring Student  development of      implementation of   review and refine   

Performance         profiles and        profiles and        profiles and        

                    checklists for      checklists across   checklists          

                    Science/Technology  the whole school    strategies          

                    program based on                                            

                    CSF outcome                                                 


Outcome Measures    establish baseline  improved student    increased student   

                    data of student     performance in      performance in      

                    performance         Science and         Science and         

                    according to CSF    Technology program  Technology program  

                    outcome statements  improved student    increased student   

                    in Science and      participation in    participation in    

                    Technology          Science and         Science and         

                    establish baseline  Technology program  Technology program  

                    data of student     parent involvement  increased parent    

                    participation in    in Science and      involvement n       

                    Science and         Technology program  Science and         

                    Technology program                      Technology program  

                    establish baseline                                          

                    data of parent                                              

                    involvement in                                              


Priority 3

Priority            To improve the skills of children in grades P-6 in Oral   


Description         Currently there are varying levels of student abilities.  

                     Community input has identified this as an area of need.  

Intended Outcome    An improvement of skills in Oral Communication which      

                    will be reflected in the performance and participation    

                    of students in grades P-6.                                

     STRATEGY             1995/96              1997                1998         

Policy and Program  review present      continue ongoing    continue            

Development         classroom           evaluation program  evaluation program  

                    strategies in line  of all children     complete review     

                    with CSF            continue to         and plan future     

                    begin ongoing       develop and         directions          

                    evaluation program  implement                               

                    of all children     effective                               

                    document and        teaching/learning                       

                    incorporate in      strategies                              

                    classroom           commence review of                      

                    programs,           implementation                          

                    effective teaching  process                                 


Professional        define and plan professional           review staff and    

Development         development needs for staff and        school              

                    parents (Scamper and De Bono's         professional needs  

                    Thinking Hats)                         and plan future     

                    opportunities for staff and parents    directions          

                    to attend appropriate professional                         

                    development programs incorporating                         

                    "First Steps"                                              

                    provide opportunities to share                             

                    professional development                                   

Parent and          ongoing             continue            continue            

Community           information         communicating       dissemination of    

Involvement         communicated to     information to      information         

                    parents through     parents through     through meetings    

                    inservicing,        inservicing,        and newsletters.    

                    information         information         Continues           

                    meetings, parent    meetings, parent    involvement of      

                    participation and   participation and   parents and         

                    newsletter.         newsletters.        community in        

                    community           review parent/      classroom           

                    involvement in      community           activities.         

                    classroom           participation       survey school       

                    activities          practices           community           


                                                            satisfaction with   

                                                            oral language       


Resourcing          evaluate current    purchase of         purchase of         

                    resources and plan  resources to        resources to        

                    future resource     support the         support the         

                    purchases           effective           effective           

                    purchase of         implementation of   implementation of   

                    resources to        the program         the program         

                    support the         commence review of  complete review     

                    effective           resources           and set up future   

                    implementation of   available           resource purchase   

                    the program such    allocate budget     guidelines          

                    as "First Steps"    funds to continue   allocate funds to   

                    allocate budget     professional        continue            

                    funds for           development         professional        

                    professional                            development         

                    development for                                             

                    parents and                                                 


     STRATEGY             1995/96              1997                1998         

Monitoring Student  investigate         refine methods of   continue regular    

Performance         assessment and      recording Spoken    evaluation of       

                    reporting           English profile     student             

                    strategies in       and monitoring of   performance and     

                    accordance with     children's          reporting           

                    Curriculum and      performance         procedures          

                    Standards           make                plan future         

                    Framework           recommendations     directions          

                    Implement           for next year                           


                    monitoring student                                          




                    for next year                                               

                    consistent use of                                           

                    modified Spoken                                             

                    English profiles                                            

Outcome Measures    parent survey to    improvement in      maintain and        

                    identify areas in   student progress    improve progress    

                    which               through the         through the         

                    participation       profile bands       profile bands       

                    needs further       working towards     increased           

                    improvement         the intended        participation in    

                    baseline data       outcome             public speaking     

                    established of      improvement of      (presentations,     

                    student             student             role playing,       

                    achievement         participation       debating, etc.)     

                    according to        rates in            measure parent      

                    profile bands       performance         perception of       

                    baseline data of                        improvement         

                    student                                 (parent survey)     


                    rates in                                                    


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Last modified: 11 Mach 1998